Sunday, June 12, 2011

Does not play well with others?

This issue affects a wide area and is crucial to all of the counties in that area.

So let's play well together to get it done and to preserve some of the beauty folks come to this area for.

Conservation plan runs into trouble
By Colin McDonald - Express-News

In an attempt to protect the mission at Camp Bullis and 11 endangered species, and get developers to comply with federal law, Bexar County is writing a habitat conservation plan to cover seven counties spread across the southern portion of the Edwards Plateau.

The county aims to give developers an easier way to mitigate habitat loss by creating a bank of protected habitat they can buy into.

But Bexar County already has ruffled feathers with its counterparts by not seeking their input in the draft, and it recently faced a no-confidence vote for the effort from a citizens advisory committee.

The rest of the story: