Monday, November 19, 2007

Smile! Click.

I do agree that the paparazzi's are out of control.

They are terrorists with a camera.

They attack innocent celebrities.

They keep Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lindsey Lohan in the news.

See, they are terrorists.

I was really, really scared: Nicole Kidman

One of Hollywood's most glamourous actresses dressed down today for her eagerly awaited appearance to give evidence in a packed Sydney court.

Wearing a staid combination of grey skirt, blush blouse done up to the neck and pink cardigan, Nicole Kidman braved a crush of photographers to make her way into the NSW Supreme Court to give evidence in a defamation case involving celebrity photographer Jamie Fawcett .

She told the court how she had been scared and in tears after an incident three years ago when Fawcett allegedly ran red lights and mounted the median strip in what she termed a "crazy'' pursuit.

go down under for more: