I guess I should've also added
cat lovers/dog lovers
to the list of things which divide us.
Woman stabs dog that attacked her cat
ERHARD, Minn. - Authorities said a woman stabbed a pit bull that got into her house and attacked her cat.
The Otter Tail County sheriff's office said the woman's daughter and a friend were walking into the house on Wednesday evening when the neighborhood dog made it past them and got into the home.
The dog went into a back room and found the cat. While the pit bull was attacking the cat, authorities said the woman started stabbing the dog with a knife to get it to stop.
The Otter Tail County sheriff's office said the woman's daughter and a friend were walking into the house on Wednesday evening when the neighborhood dog made it past them and got into the home.
The dog went into a back room and found the cat. While the pit bull was attacking the cat, authorities said the woman started stabbing the dog with a knife to get it to stop.
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