Monday, May 16, 2011

Yet again another a-hole who can't take no for an answer

People just can't leave other people alone when they break up can they?

Its very disturbing.

Deadly timeline emerges
By Michelle Mondo - Express-News

About one hour after Aileen Harbidge was fatally shot Thursday morning, Jose Eladio Martinez confessed to the killing of his ex-girlfriend in a phone call to another woman, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.

That same document uses co-workers' statements to spell out a deadly timeline for the hours prior to Harbidge's death at the Ashley Furniture store where she and Martinez worked together.

On Wednesday at 6:18 p.m., Martinez borrowed a .40-caliber Glock from a coworker. He wanted to use the handgun for target practice because he, too, was thinking of buying one, he told the coworker.