You know what Mr. Starnes? You lied, you lied on your resume. This isn't a vendetta by a group of hackneyed "old political machine" folks.
You frickin' lied on your resume. You lied about your college degrees. You lied about who you worked for. You got your "college" dgrees from a mail order "school where it promises "no studies, no attendance, no waiting, and no examinations."
You are pathetic. So are the folks on the city council who don't have the gumption to kick your lying ass out the door. Those of us who spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours going and earning our diplomas despise folks like you.
Eagle Pass city manager admits lying
John MacCormack: Express-News
Faced with clear evidence that its probationary city manager lied repeatedly on his impressive resume, the Eagle Pass City Council shrugged and took a step toward offering Glen Starnes the permanent job.
The decision came after an impassioned 15-minute address Tuesday by Starnes to the council reciting his six months of accomplishments in Eagle Pass and denouncing his critics, including the San Antonio Express-News.
"The worst thing they could find on me is that I lied on one part of my resume," said Starnes, who blamed the "old political machine" for his troubles.
"If they want to get rid of me, those bad people who are driving these accusations are going to have to keep fighting, because I'm here to stay," said Starnes, who was enthusiastically applauded by the meeting audience and praised by council members after his speech.
The council then voted unanimously to set a special meeting for Tuesday, when it will consider hiring Starnes permanently for the $85,000-a-year job.
In the same motion by Councilwoman Maribel Flores, the council ordered a halt to an ongoing probe of charges that Starnes fabricated his job history and educational credentials.
Calls made Wednesday to Mayor Chad Foster and council members Joe Sifuentes, Ramsey English Cantu and Flores seeking comment on the council's actions were not returned.
Starnes, however, was quick to tell the Express-News to back off.
"I'm putting you on notice that you stop contacting anyone who works with me in trying to tarnish my image. It's none of your business," he said by phone.
Despite Starnes' claim that he merely "fluffed" his resume, an Express-News investigation revealed it to be a work of fiction that includes misspellings and incorrect names.
Contrary to his claims, Starnes never worked as an assistant city manager in Converse or as an aide to former U.S. Rep. Jack Fields in Houston, nor did he earn three degrees from the University of Maryland.
read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/stategov/stories/MYSA011008.01A.eaglepass.296f035.html
You frickin' lied on your resume. You lied about your college degrees. You lied about who you worked for. You got your "college" dgrees from a mail order "school where it promises "no studies, no attendance, no waiting, and no examinations."
You are pathetic. So are the folks on the city council who don't have the gumption to kick your lying ass out the door. Those of us who spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours going and earning our diplomas despise folks like you.
Eagle Pass city manager admits lying
John MacCormack: Express-News
Faced with clear evidence that its probationary city manager lied repeatedly on his impressive resume, the Eagle Pass City Council shrugged and took a step toward offering Glen Starnes the permanent job.
The decision came after an impassioned 15-minute address Tuesday by Starnes to the council reciting his six months of accomplishments in Eagle Pass and denouncing his critics, including the San Antonio Express-News.
"The worst thing they could find on me is that I lied on one part of my resume," said Starnes, who blamed the "old political machine" for his troubles.
"If they want to get rid of me, those bad people who are driving these accusations are going to have to keep fighting, because I'm here to stay," said Starnes, who was enthusiastically applauded by the meeting audience and praised by council members after his speech.
The council then voted unanimously to set a special meeting for Tuesday, when it will consider hiring Starnes permanently for the $85,000-a-year job.
In the same motion by Councilwoman Maribel Flores, the council ordered a halt to an ongoing probe of charges that Starnes fabricated his job history and educational credentials.
Calls made Wednesday to Mayor Chad Foster and council members Joe Sifuentes, Ramsey English Cantu and Flores seeking comment on the council's actions were not returned.
Starnes, however, was quick to tell the Express-News to back off.
"I'm putting you on notice that you stop contacting anyone who works with me in trying to tarnish my image. It's none of your business," he said by phone.
Despite Starnes' claim that he merely "fluffed" his resume, an Express-News investigation revealed it to be a work of fiction that includes misspellings and incorrect names.
Contrary to his claims, Starnes never worked as an assistant city manager in Converse or as an aide to former U.S. Rep. Jack Fields in Houston, nor did he earn three degrees from the University of Maryland.
read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/stategov/stories/MYSA011008.01A.eaglepass.296f035.html