Tuesday, December 25, 2012

We however, are NOT amused


Thank you for allowing me to be your entertainment.

Ex-TSA Screener: Officers “Laughing” At Your Naked Image

Whistleblower launches blog to expose federal agency’s ridiculous policies
Paul Joseph Watson -Infowars.com

A former TSA screener turned blogger who is now causing embarrassment for the federal agency has revealed that TSA officers routinely laugh at and make fun of passengers’ nude body scanner images in back rooms.

In a blog entitled Taking Sense Away, the anonymous ex-TSA worker reveals how he, “Witnessed light sexual play among officers, a lot of e-cigarette vaping, and a whole lot of officers laughing and clowning in regard to some of your nude images, dear passengers.”

The revelation was in response to a reader who asked, “Tell us, please, what really happens in that private room and why the TSA does not want it seen in public nor recorded.”

The rest of the story: