Some folks will resort to anything to avoid paying more transit tolls apparently.
I mean these women went on as one and left the train or bus as two.
Baby Born On NYC Mass Transit For 2nd Straight Day
Passenger Plays Doctor As Brooklyn Bus Becomes Makeshift Delivery Room Friday After 'R' Train Childbirth On Thursday
Believed To Be Nation's First Back-To-Back Mass Transit Births
NEW YORK (CBS) ― For the second day in a row a newborn girl has been born on New York City's mass transit system.
A Brooklyn bus became a makeshift delivery room on Friday morning. A woman passenger helped the mother deliver the baby that just couldn't wait to come aboard.
Paramedics took the new mother and baby to a hospital. Their names were not released.
On Thursday, conductor Bretta Sykes helped a mother deliver a girl in a subway car. The mother of two says she used information from her own chilbirth classes to coach the woman through her seven-minute delivery.
A New York City Transit spokesman says it could be the system's first consecutive births on a subway train and a bus.
Sykes was waiting for an incoming train in lower Manhattan on Thursday afternoon when a woman in a subway train at the station went into active labor.
The conductor and mother of two says she used information from her own childbirth classes to coach the woman through her seven-minute delivery.
Sykes says the emerging newborn girl just slid right into her hand.
A passenger in the subway car took out her cell phone and recorded the birth — which landed on the local evening news.
Transit officials say mother and child are doing well at a hospital. Their names were not released.
The last mass transit birth was a girl born on a Manhattan subway platform last June.
MTA subways, buses, and railroads provide 2.6 billion trips to New Yorkers annually.