Its a fascinating history.
<====== A second lieutenant fresh out of West Point, Dwight Eisenhower was
stationed in 1915 at Fort Sam Houston, where he met Mamie Dowd and
courted her with Mexican dinners on San Antonio's West side and dancing
on the roof of the St. Anthony Hotel.
Photo: Courtesy Arcadia Publishing
S.A. history captured in photos
By Steve Bennett - Express-News
Did you know that in 1912 a group called the Alamo Heroes Monument Association
had plans drawn up for a soaring 802-foot monument the size of the
Eiffel Tower that would have dwarfed every building around it, including
the one it was meant to memorialize? (Funding fell through.) Or that
Sunken Garden is sunken because it was once the site of a cement
company's quarry? Or that San Pedro Park is second only to Boston Common
as the oldest park in the country? Quick, what was the first restaurant
on our River Walk? That would be Casa Río, founded in 1946.
These and other tidbits of San Antonio history come visually alive in
“Downtown San Antonio” (Arcadia Publishing, $21.99), a slim new volume
of historic photographs by San Antonians Joan Marston Korte and David L. Peché.
The authors have a book-signing from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Twig Book Shop at Pearl Brewery.
The rest of the story: