Those folks are lucky they weren't hit and lying on a slab right now.
So we have burglary of a habitat and attempted capital murder.
No one injured when officer fires shot at car
By Michelle Mondo - Express-News
A San Antonio police officer fired one round at a moving car Monday afternoon, when suspects trying to flee the scene of an alleged burglary in the Northeast Side drove straight towards him, officials said.
Authorities said the bullet hit the front windshield of the red Chevy Impala, and marks could be seen where the bullet skid across the dashboard. None of the three people in the car were hit, police said.
Two men trying to flee from the car were eventually arrested and authorities continued to search for a third person, a woman, who was in the car. Authorities didn’t immediately release the names of the suspects.
San Antonio police spokesman Sgt. Chris Benavides said a concerned neighbor called in the suspected burglary around 2:30 p.m. in the 13,000 block of Feather Ridge in the subdivision by the same name.
No one was at the home at the time. Benavides said when officers arrived they saw the Impala parked by the curb and began talking to the three occupants.
An officer who walked around the house heard someone kicking in a door, he said. That officer then called out to the others who were standing near the vehicle. When their attention was diverted, the driver sped away, Benavides said.
The officers tried to stop the car that was then heading straight for him, Benavides said. After yelling at them to stop, the officer fired once at the vehicle, but the car didn’t stop and the suspects abandoned it about a block away, he said.
It is unclear if either of the two people arrested Monday was the one who police heard kicking in the door or if that person was still on the loose.
Neighbors who gathered around the scene said it is usually quiet in the area. They added that everyone tries to keep an eye on things and look out for suspicious people.
J.D. Sterling was just walking out of his door to take his dog for a walk when he saw the Impala take off.
“It looked to me like the car was heading right towards the officer like they were trying to get him,” he said.